Thursday, April 11, 2013

You're Not Alone. Millions of People Love the Big Mac

The picture above is an ad for McDonald's that was posted on a subway train in Boston. McDonald's has issued an apology for this ad as people are claiming it is insensitive to those with mental health issues. Maybe it's because I don't personally have mental health problems, or know anyone with mental health problems, but I really don't see how this ad is offensive. People are far too sensitive when it comes to things like this. Advertisers just can't seem to do anything right. Somewhere, some group of people is going to find something to be offended about. Like last year when a McDonald's radio ad was supposedly offensive to pit bull owners. Really? Pit bull owners? Ad agencies have to take everyone's feelings and sensitivities into consideration these days and what for? People claim they hate commercials and don't pay attention anyway.

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