Monday, April 15, 2013

Justin Bieber, Are You Done?!

The Biebs has been in the tabloids quite a bit this year. Everything from fighting paparazzi to going on Twitter rants, it seems Justin is acting as many young celebrities often do when the fame goes to their heads. The most recent Bieber fail took place over the weekend after Justin visited the Anne Frank House. He left a note in a guest book that said:
"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber."
Many were outraged by Justin's note, saying he is way too full of himself and calling him a 'little idiot.' Belieber's of course had his back because to them Justin can do no wrong. However, non-Beliebers took to social media to share their opinions.
"Glad he went, but, the last sentence is VERY self serving. He missed the lessons of Anne totally," while another added, "How does he manage to think about his own fame and success attending a historical place of such tragedy and injustice?"
After hearing about Justin's latest PR disaster, I was curious to see how the Anne Frank House responded. They managed to remain extremely professional and focus on the positive. They said as a young celebrity, Justin could have found many other things to do with his time in Amsterdam; however, he seemed genuinely interested in the museum and everything it has to offer.
 "If you read Anne Frank's diary, she was into celebrities, she was into pop culture," said Foxman. "So for [Bieber] to say he would have hoped that she would have been a fan, it's a nice thing."
The Anne Frank House handled this media attention the way anyone should by finding the positive. They could have put Justin on blast the way everyone else has but they didn't.

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