Thursday, April 11, 2013


I used to want to be a weather reporter when I was younger. I thought Steve Pool was the coolest guy ever, being able to tell people when it was going to rain or be sunny or even snow! Little did I know, if Steve reported one wrong thing he quickly became the most hated person on TV.

"Snowmageddon" was apparently going to be hitting the central part of our country this last week. Blizzard like conditions were reported by weather men and woman all over. I'm not sure what their idea of blizzard like conditions are but I don't think snow that doesn't even stick to the ground is considered a blizzard. Did these weather reporters not learn you're never supposed to over-sell and under deliver? How do they even have an ounce of credibility these days? You get the high of the day wrong by 5 degrees and people complain, you say it's going to be sunny and it sprinkles for a few minutes and it's game over. These guys need a class on reputation management. One weather reporter took to social media to admit that he was wrong, writing on his Facebook page:

“Forecasting the weather is a bit like being a field goal kicker, we are supposed to be accurate. This storm was a miss and I apologize if it has caused you inconvenience or hardship today.”

He's got the right idea, admit when you're wrong and apologize. He's probably the only weatherman with any credibility over there. Others made things up, like that they had 8-12 inch drifts in their yards. Oh and is your house located directly under the only cloud that's dumping snow? I don't think so. I think I'd trust my iPhone's weather app over any of their weather reports. That's saying something because that thing is never right. 

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