Monday, April 29, 2013

News, news, news

My life this quarter has revolved around the news. I've got just about every news app available on my phone and follow every news source on Twitter. I've noticed many similarities and a few differences in comparing one story over several different news sources. The New York Post told me 12 people died in the Boston bombing while CNN was saying it was only 3. It's also come to my attention what news sources like to be first to break the story, and which ones like to be first to break an accurate story. 

For an assignment we were told to take one story and compare how it's reported between a U.S. news source and an international news source. While clicking back and forth between tabs on my computer  as I write this blog post (I have some serious ADD when it comes to doing homework) I saw a tweet pop up from The Associated Press.
 BREAKING: Female US soldier pleads guilty to desertion after fleeing to Canada to avoid Iraq deployment -RJJ
Since I was to compare a U.S. news source (AP) to an international one, I decided to go check out BBC since the story has to do with Canada. I was curious to see if they knew about this and would have it on their page as breaking news. I follow them on Twitter but I hadn't seen any tweets from them about this news. I went to their website and still didn't see anything.

This brought me to the conclusion that what a news source in the U.S. might see as breaking news, might not be what a news source in Canada or elsewhere would see as breaking news.

While looking at the story about the recent athlete to come out as the first male homosexual professional athlete, BBC and U.S. seemed to report the story in very similar ways.

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