Monday, May 20, 2013

CWU Source

Last Thursday I attended CWU's SOURCE - the Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Events were put on throughout the day for students to showcase some of their work from the year. 

The event I attended was a collection of pictures from the Taylor Bridge fire that took place last summer. Each collection of pictures were from a different point of view. For example, we saw pictures from a lady that did animal rescue during the fire. She helped save tons of horses and pigs and other animals as well. She said the best part of the whole experience was getting to reunite people with their pets. 

I took away a few different things from attending this SOURCE session. First of all, it was great to see how close-knit the Ellensburg community is. The minute news of the fires broke out, hundreds of volunteers were ready and willing to do whatever it was that was needed of them. So much so that after a certain point people were turned away because there was nothing for them to do. Everyone in the community came together to help with whatever they could. Whether it was animal rescue or donating food and water to firefighters. There was no hesitation from anyone on whether or not they should help. 

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