Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bachelorette Party Gone Horribly Wrong

Nine passengers were in a limo traveling across the San Francisco Bay celebrating a bachelorette party Saturday night. By the end of the night only four came out alive. The bride-to-be was among the dead. The limo caught fire on the San Mateo-Hayward Bridge and the driver and three passengers were the only ones to survive.

One of the survivors claims the driver did nothing to help save them. She said they tried warning him there was smoke and he only reacted after their second warning. By the time he pulled over, he claims, it was too late.

The survivors says she was banging on the glass asking for help and he did nothing. Luckily, she was able to climb through the partition and save herself.

The limo company released a statement saying,
"LimoStop Inc. will do everything possible to investigate and assist authorities in determining the cause of this fire in order to help bring forth answers and provide closure to the victims and their families," it said.
As for the driver, is the company going to listen to his story which claims it was too late for him to help, or the story of the survivors who claim he did nothing to help them? There is an investigation happening now to figure out what exactly caused the fire, I think it's in the limo company's best interest to put the driver on temporary leave until the investigation is complete. The limo was one passenger over capacity but it isn't clear if that could have had something to do with the fire.

The survivors are clearly upset about the loss of their friends, but even more about the fact that it could have been prevented. If I were them I wouldn't feel safe knowing that, even though it's unlikely, the driver could get himself in a similar situation and not help others in danger.

The driver was in a fight or flight situation and he clearly chose flight. It makes him look like a bad guy, which is extremely unfortunate for not only him, but the limo company as well.

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