Friday, March 29, 2013

No Such Thing as Bad Publicity?

Ok... maybe I won't be doing much blogging about sports... whatever at least I'm blogging.

So, PR daily tweeted something yesterday that I found pretty interesting. Apparently parents are getting pretty pissed at Victoria's Secret for advertising lingerie to young girls known as 'tweens'. They're saying it's extremely inappropriate, and for a demographic whose main source of income is their parents, it isn't very smart. What parent is going to go out and purchase lingerie for their 12 year old daughter who, let's face it, probably doesn't even have boobs yet. But all the cool girls are wearing lingerie so she must do the same!

While parent's are pissed over this, Victoria's Secret is secretly ecstatic. They're thinking, our name is out there in the media and it's costing us nothing! There's no such thing as bad publicity right? Uhh wrong. I can think of several professional athletes that would disagree with that statement... But let's not go there. On some occasions, bad publicity isn't really that bad, like oh woop-dee-doo Tiger Woods cheated on his wife, alot. He's still a damn good golf player and eventually some other man whore athlete is going to cheat on his wife and everyone will forget about Tiger Woods' mid-life crisis. However, in this case does Victoria's Secret really want to be known as the brand that sells lingerie to young girls? Is the secret Victoria has been keeping that she is really a he that's creepy and old and likes young girls in lingerie? That's the perception that many parents are going to have after this. Sorry Victoria, there is such thing as bad publicity and you've got it!

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