Friday, March 29, 2013


A hot topic in the news lately has been the Supreme Court's decision about gay marriage. The red equal sign has flooded social media like a scene in Jaws. People everywhere are doing things to show their support of gay marriage. Holding rally's, changing their profile picture to the red equal sign, and serving free food to gay marriage supporters! A California Chick-Fil-A offered free meal coupons to patrons that are in support of same sex marriage... wait a minute... Wasn't Chick-Fil-A in the news awhile ago because of some anti-gay marriage comments? The same franchise that made those comments was the franchise that served free meals to gay marriage supporters. Talk about an exceptional PR move! They took a horrible reputation and turned it around completely. Chick-Fil-A hates gays, oh wait not they don't! They like them and give them free food, how cool! Many in attendance said they felt welcomed again by Chick-Fil-A and said they forgave them for their previous comments. While many think time heals all wounds, I think actions heal all wounds. By being proactive and recognizing they made a mistake, they were able to change peoples perception of them and now everyone will forget they said some stupid anti-gay marriage comments. You get a Chic-Fil-A+ for the year, don't mess it up!

No Such Thing as Bad Publicity?

Ok... maybe I won't be doing much blogging about sports... whatever at least I'm blogging.

So, PR daily tweeted something yesterday that I found pretty interesting. Apparently parents are getting pretty pissed at Victoria's Secret for advertising lingerie to young girls known as 'tweens'. They're saying it's extremely inappropriate, and for a demographic whose main source of income is their parents, it isn't very smart. What parent is going to go out and purchase lingerie for their 12 year old daughter who, let's face it, probably doesn't even have boobs yet. But all the cool girls are wearing lingerie so she must do the same!

While parent's are pissed over this, Victoria's Secret is secretly ecstatic. They're thinking, our name is out there in the media and it's costing us nothing! There's no such thing as bad publicity right? Uhh wrong. I can think of several professional athletes that would disagree with that statement... But let's not go there. On some occasions, bad publicity isn't really that bad, like oh woop-dee-doo Tiger Woods cheated on his wife, alot. He's still a damn good golf player and eventually some other man whore athlete is going to cheat on his wife and everyone will forget about Tiger Woods' mid-life crisis. However, in this case does Victoria's Secret really want to be known as the brand that sells lingerie to young girls? Is the secret Victoria has been keeping that she is really a he that's creepy and old and likes young girls in lingerie? That's the perception that many parents are going to have after this. Sorry Victoria, there is such thing as bad publicity and you've got it!

Thursday, March 28, 2013


So I said I was going to mainly write about sports on this blog.. but after being the seventh wheel to my roommates and their iPhones at dinner last night I decided to change things up. Also, while scrolling through Twitter this morning (yes, on my smartphone) I saw an article posted by PR Daily news about eye-opening stats that reveal the dependency of people on their smartphones. I knew my roommates were bad about this, (literally I could tell them a story about how I was abducted by aliens last night and they took me to a planet run by apes, and if they were on their phones while I was talking they would look up after I stopped talking, nod their heads and say "oh really? that's crazy" that's how engrossed they can be while they're on their phones) but I didn't realize the extent of how many other Americans are with their smartphones. Here are some of the numbers from the article... and yes I am guilty of a few of these.. I treat my smartphone social media apps like they're the morning newspaper, but hey that's how I found this article so it can't be that bad!

49 percent of the entire U.S. population uses a smartphone, according to previous research from IDC. By 2017, the percent of smartphone users is expected to reach 68 percent

132 minutes is the average amount of time each day that smartphone users spend communicating and using social media on their phones. Over the weekend, Friday through Sunday, that number increases to 163 minutes. Monday through Thursday, it drops to 87 minutes

70 percent of smartphone users check Facebook on their phones; 61 percent check it every day. The average number of times respondents check Facebook on their phones is 14

50 percent of smartphone users check Facebook at the movies. 

Four out of five smartphone users check their phones within the first 15 minutes of waking up. Among them, 80 percent say it’s the first thing they do in the morning. 

79 percent of smartphone users have their phone on or near them for all but two hours of their waking day—63 percent keep it with them for all but one hour. One-fourth couldn’t recall a time of the day when their phone wasn’t in the same room as them.

When asked which activity on a smartphone makes them feel most “connected,” 49 percent said text messaging, 43 percent indicating talking on the phone, 40 percent said messaging on Facebook. 

61 percent said their smartphones keep them connected to their friends. Nearly the same, 60 percent say it connects them to their spouse/significant other. 

7.4 is the average number of social/communication apps that smartphone users have on their phones. 

The 10 most popular apps on smartphones are: 
1. Email
2. Web browsing
3. Facebook
4. Maps/directions
5. Games
6. General search
7. Share/post photos
8. Read news, sports
9. Local search
10. Watch TV/video
The most common sentiment regarding smartphone is one of “connectedness,” far surpassing “overwhelmed,” “stressed out,” “burdened/anxious,” or “lonely.”

While it can be annoying to be trying to talk to someone that's on their phone, it's like talking to an infant, at least smartphone users aren't feeling depressed and lonely, right? I find it interesting that most people say they feel connected while using their phones.. really? You may be connected to your phone but you are disconnected to what's going on around you! I'm guilty of reaching for my phone right when I wake up, like I'm still closing one eye because the light of my phone feels like staring into the sun that early in the morning. However, I don't feel like I depend on my phone that much.. I could go a day without it... well maybe not a whole day but like, half of one!

We Day

The Seattle Seahawks never cease to amaze me with how great they are on and off the field. Countless hours of community service, visits to Seattle Children's Hospital, leading fundraisers, and acting as motivational speakers all around Washington. Yesterday (3/27) the Seahawks set the stage at We Day in Seattle. We Day is an event that has been taking place in Canada since 2007. Yesterday marked the first We Day in the United States. You're probably wondering what We Day is and why it is so cool that the Seahawks were there. Brothers Craig and Marc Kielburger, started We Day as a way to motivate today's youth to create positive changes in not only their local communities, but globally as well. Students had to earn their ticket to attend We Day by completing community service hours. Seattle native Macklemore, recording artist Jennifer Hudson, NBA legends Magic Johnson and Gary Payton, and the Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, all took the stage to speak and perform for the students in attendance. However, it was the four Seahawk players that really set the tone of We Day and got the kids excited. When Russell Wilson, Russel Okung, John Moffitt, and Richard Sherman came out on stage the crowd went nuts. (I wasn't there but I saw the videos!) They each made a little speech congratulating the kids on their accomplishments and encouraged them to keep doing what they have been doing and motivate others to join. Wilson threw out footballs to the crowd and for those who caught them you would have thought they won the lottery with how excited they were.

It makes me proud to say that I am a Seahawks fan, especially when they go out and do stuff like this. They don't think they're too good to take time out of their days and go visit with kids who look up to them and think of them as role models. The Seahawks have been out of the spotlight since they lost the Superbowl in 2006 and it wasn't until last season that they have finally been getting the positive attention they deserve. We surely have Russell Wilson to thank for that. He is bringing such an electric energy to not only the team, but Seattle and Seahawks fans around the country. I'm excited for this upcoming season and to see what great things the team has in store on and off the field.

Read more about We Day Seattle here :

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blogging Virginity

Well, here I am writing my first blog post. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. Not really sure what I'm doing so just bear with me!

I'll just start with a brief introduction of myself. My name is Sydnie, I am a 21 year old college student at Central Washington University in Ellensburg. I'm majoring in Public Relations and minoring in advertising. My dream job would be to work on the PR team for the Seattle Seahawks, my all time favorite NFL team.

For one of my classes this quarter I am required to keep up with the news locally as well as nationally and write blog posts about different stories and relate them back to public relations. Since I want to work on the sports side of PR most of my posts will be about stories that are going on in the sports world. Everything from my Seahawks signing Percy Harvin, to Tiger Woods returning to number one after winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational.

Again, this class is requiring me to give up my blogging virginity so this should be interesting! Hope you enjoy