Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Coach Says Shh About Sexuality

^^Say that five times fast

Brittney Griner is gay. If you didn't know that then you probably don't know who Brittney Griner is... Anyway, the point of this blog is: who the hell cares if she's gay? A lot of women basketball players are gay, not to stereotype or anything but, come on.

Well it turns out her old coach from Baylor has a lot to say about the topic. She literally told Brittney not to talk about her sexuality. She said that it would affect her chances of being recruited into the WNBA and would reflect badly on the Baylor Women's basketball program. Um, Brittney Griner is the best women's college ball player to step foot on a basketball court, she could have one arm and still get recruited with her level of talent. So that's a bunch of BS. And also, the Baylor Women's basketball program is lucky to have her represent them, like I said, she's one of the best college ball players in history! Need I say more?!

"It was more of a unwritten law [to not discuss your sexuality] ... it was just kind of, like, one of those things, you know, just don't do it. They kind of tried to make it, like, "Why put your business out on the street like that?"
I told Coach [Mulkey] when she was recruiting me. I was like, "I'm gay. I hope that's not a problem," and she told me that it wasn't. I mean, my teammates knew, obviously they all knew. Everybody knew about it."

I understand that Baylor is a private Baptist school, but uh does the coach know she got drafted by the Pheonix Mercury? She doesn't represent Baylor anymore so like I said earlier, who the hell cares if she's gay?! As long as her new team doesn't care, which they obviously don't considering they drafted her, then who gives a rats behind. Good job to Mulkey for making the program look bad herself. Dumb lady.

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