Sunday, April 21, 2013

New York Post Poor Apology

It's common to have a few mistakes and incorrect information while reporting on a story with details that are constantly changing and being updated. However, in the last week the New York Post has received a lot of criticism about their coverage of the Boston bombings. They posted pictures of two innocent men on the front page and called them suspects, claimed there were 12 deaths instead of 3, and accused a third innocent man as a suspect later on. Once the editors realized they had made mistakes, you would think they would issue some sort of apology to the public to let them know that had published inaccurate articles. However, those were their stories and they were stickin' to them.

The website Animal New York decided to take things in to their own hands and insert apology letters into the New York Post paper. They claimed the letter was written by editor Col Allan. They then handed out the papers in key locations across Manhattan, including in front of the New York Post offices.

In the letter, "Allan" writes, "This week, the New York Post has acted recklessly and with flagrant disregard for the principles of good journalism." He also says that the paper's reporting was "at best ill-informed and speculative, and at worst intentionally misleading and harmful to the lives of those involved."

Thinking about this situation, I'm really not sure what's worse. The fact that they didn't personally apologize at all, or that someone else felt the need to apologize for them? Wouldn't they feel pretty pathetic upon reading the letter that they should have written themselves in the first place?

Click on the link below to read the full apology letter.

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